
Gynaecology Clinic Services

obstetrics gynecology and infertility, obstetrics and gynecology specialists


Having a baby is one of the most exciting experiences of a lifetime. Whether you’re expecting your first or second baby, we at Seng's OG Practice believe that each childbearing experience is unique. We are fully committed to providing compassionate and exceptional obstetric care to women who want the safest and best possible experience.

Preparation for Pregnancy
A baby's health is affected by the health of the parents, long before the moment of conception. By the time pregnancy is confirmed, the embryo already has critical developmental changes. Prospective parents can prepare for a healthier pregnancy by making good health and lifestyle choices even before conception.

The best time to evaluate your health is before pregnancy. Both partners should schedule a visit at least three months before attempting to conceive.

While no one can guarantee a perfect pregnancy, problems can be minimized when precautions are taken before conception occurs.

Our gynaecology clinic services include a preconception visit with the following assessments:
  • Reproductive History (Female/Male)
  • Pelvic Examination (Female)
  • Screening For Potential Fertility Problems (Female/Male)
  • Screening For Sexually Transmitted Infections (Female/Male)
  • Assessment Of Chronic Medical Conditions i.e. Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid (Female)
  • Family History Of Birth Defects For Possible Referral To A Genetic Counsellor (Female/Male)
  • Review Of Menstrual Cycle (Female)
  • Counselling On Nutrition, Diet, Exercise, And Lifestyle Behaviours (Female/Male)


At Seng’s OG Practice, education is the cornerstone of our obstetric care. Every Singapore OBGYN works in partnership with each woman to ensure her individual preferences are met from early pregnancy onwards.

We provide antenatal care to help each patient learn how to maintain a healthy pregnancy and her health. Our team of highly-trained doctors also have extensive experience in caring for patients with complicated pregnancies and medical problems.

We provide individual attention, comprehensive gynaecology clinic services, and a wealth of resources to guide you through this meaningful experience.


Family involvement is promoted throughout the birth process at our family-centered maternity clinic. We will work with each patient to plan your childbirth process to ensure a safe and fulfilling experience.